Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blog #4 Internet: Multitasking

Today in lecture, we watched a documentary that included multitasking as a form of everyday life. It's true that multitasking is something that everyone does such as being on their cellphones or computers and being in the internet while being in class. Yet on the documentary, it is a bad thing. Many students think they are doing fine in class, but it's nothing more than good. With multitasking, it's not excellent work, because the wonderful world of the internet has so much more to offer that students get easily distracted. The distraction of popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter puts anyone into becoming an informative person about other people. They would rather know what people are doing instead of doing homework such as reading. In my opinion, I feel that multitasking is a good thing, but also a bad thing. The good thing about multitasking is that if I have something to look for I can find it while chatting online. The bad thing is if I have to write a paper I would do it at the last minute, because there are other things I would rather do. I feel that I am not motivated to do something, because I have higher needs and wants that pushes my responsibilities out of the way. When I go on the internet, the first thing I do is to go on Facebook to see who commented me or what other people are doing. Yet, if I have to read a book, I would rather go on the internet, because I feel comfortable to read what other people are doing or thinking. It is so hard to multitask when I have to read a book, write a paper, and be talking online or watching tv. If I turn off the tv and do not go online, I still have this urge to watch and talk, because it seriously feels like a drug that I cannot just give up on. I feel that since I multitask my grades suffer, which is really not good if I want to have a good job. The reason I believe that the internet was made is for everyone in the world to be informed about everything. I do feel that the internet was good thing, because everyone is connected, but the problem is people do not choose it wisely. With google, you have a search engine that can find the meaning of the word that you are looking for in mere seconds, but in a dictionary, you have to look through the book and try to find the word. People want faster answers instead of just waiting for them. I feel that people would go crazy if they do not know what is going on with the world. For instance, when I go home I rarely go on the computer, because I'm with my family and friends. When I get back to school and I am in my apartment, I have to go on the internet to see what I missed or what is new that people are talking about right now. I see my friends who are on Facebook and on their cell phones saying that they want to see The Last Airbender. No matter where I am or what I am doing, I feel that I need and want to know about everything.

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