Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To my Wifey...

To me, you are my Wonder Woman. You are strong, smart, and a passionate lover. When I first met you, I wasn't brave enough to talk to you. After a few days, I knew that I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't know how. When I sat next to you at the auditorium, I said something so stupid, "Why are you taking notes? She said we didn't have to?" I'm sorry to make you feel embarrass, but I didn't know what else to say. When I made you smile, I wanted to be the one who always makes you smile. You are so beautiful that all I thought about was you and seeing you the next day. The truth is it felt so surreal like I died and went to heaven. I felt a connection with you, but I didn't know if you felt it too. Then we went to Universal Studios and you held my hand as boyfriend and girlfriend do. That's when I knew that you like me too. I never wanted to let go of your hand. My heart sang and everything was clear to me. Then I wondered if this would be so true as in the future. When we rode on the bus and you were falling asleep on my arm, I asked God, "Is she the one for me?" Then I looked out to the window and I saw a bird flying right next to the bus as though my question answer, because my mom told me that birds were a good sign. Without a doubt, I knew right there I would want to spend my whole life with her. I know it's lame, but I'm optimistic and I love a happy ending. And now, we have been together for 4 years and we are still going strong. I would not change it for anything:D And with the image above, I'm her Batman and she is my Wonder Woman and everytime I'm with her she shines like the sun. I LOVE YOU CLARISSA!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pic of the Day

Batman: "Did you have fun at Comic-Con, Robin?"
Robin: "Oh Boy, I sure did! Because we went to Comic-Con, Batman, you got that cool Starro mask and I got this awesome suitcase that kinda reminds me of Plastic Man..."
Plastic Man: "(Hope these too don't mind me hitching a ride on the batmobile...TEE HEE)"

Dynamic Duo at Wal-Mart
Starro spore and Plastic Man suitcase at Comic-Con

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blog #10 What I have learned

Before these past 5 weeks, I thought I knew a lot about the media. I thought that the stuff I already know would be simple. After the first week, I was so surprised that I knew nothing at all about media. From reading the book, Media and Culture, I learned that their are 5 major media companies that own what we watch today. The 5 major media companies are Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., Google, and Viacom. Of these 5 companies, they own movies, music, books/magazines, television/radio, and the internet. I was so surprised that there is only 5, because I thought the people from MTV own it, but they do not. When we first talked about these companies in class, I was so lost and I wanted to learn more about it. I was also excited about all these different aspects of the media, because my major is Film and Visual Culture. With the book, I am able to gain more knowledge of the media. I liked how we talked about the internet on how it is a great media source, because nowadays many people are on the internet and go to sites that companies can put advertisements for their products. One of the chapters that I liked was about Television. I found out that there were scandals and the fin-syn rules. With scandals, the quiz show, Twenty-One, had a successful contestant, who "won $129,000 in 1957 during his fifteen-week run on the program" (Media and Culture, pg. 153). The problem was the contestant, Charles Van Doren, cheated. The reason why he kept on winning was he attracted many viewers, which the network got a lot of ratings. Also, since Doren is good looking, many people wanted to watch instead of an ugly person, which will get no ratings. I feel like the attractive you are in television the more likely people are going to watch you on their television sets. Now, we have quiz shows like Jeopardy and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. With the fin-syn rules, I did not know they existed. Before, the networks "sometimes demanded as much as 50 percent of the profits that producers earned from airing older shows as reruns in local TV markets" (Media and Culture, pg. 167). Because of this, the FCC "banned the networks from reaping such profits from program syndication" (Media and Culture, pg. 167). I feel that it is bad for the networks, but regardless they already make a profit from all the viewers watching the shows. After reading and learning about Media and Culture, I feel well informed then before. WIth this book, I will still use it when I get confused or want to know more about other things such as the radio and video games. Also, I will be using this blog still, because after I started posting blogs, I wanted to post other things besides homework. I am going to blog about San Diego Comic-Con, because I want to tell the whole world how it is when I go this friday.

Media and Culture

Monday, July 19, 2010

Blog #9 "got milk?"

When I read the phrase "got milk?", all I can think of about is celebrities with a milk mustache. This slogan was first used in 1998 and became a successful marketing scheme later on. From magazines to comic books, you would find these ads with a celebrity, who has a milk mustache. This advertisement appeals to demographics of all types, because of the way it gets people's attention. For the most part, the "got milk?" ad is towards children and teenagers. The advertisement is also a famous-person testimonial, because of the fact that many famous people are on it. Even though it has nothing to do with milk, the endorsement by famous people has impacted pop culture. These celebrities are kids idols such as sports players and actors. It also portrays these celebrities as normal people drinking milk, because when we drink milk, we also get the milk mustache. Once you first look at the ads you see the person with the milk mustache either with white (regular milk) or brown (chocolate milk). Yet if you keep on looking, there are words that say something about the ad. In the Batman ad, you see him with a chocolate milk mustache and words right next to him saying "Be a Dark Knight" and "Want to grow? Chocolate milk has all the nutrients of regular milk, so drink up." It ends with the phrase "got milk?" When reading the words, it is just like a comic from reading left to right and top to bottom. It also shows the bat signal, which every comic book fan knows that Batman is needed. It goes to show you that to be a "Dark Knight" you have to drink chocolate milk, which is pretty ridiculous. Also, it portrays for kids, who don't know any better that to be like Batman you have to drink chocolate milk. I think it's weird to say that, because he's is not real. If he was real, I would believe it. Well, there are other "got milk?" ads with real people such as the recent Super Bowl champion, Reggie Bush. The two things that capture my attention with this ad besides the "got milk" are his New Orleans Saints helmet raised in the air and the words "It's mine." I think the raised New Orleans helmet signifies Reggie Bush winning his first Super Bowl champion and pretty much saying victory. I think the words "It's mine" represents the Super Bowl trophy. I also feel that the ad should have added all the players of the New Orleans Saints, because Reggie Bush did not do this all by himself. This ad pretty much says that people should drink milk, because you can win a Super Bowl champion like Reggie Bush. I think these ads are great, because it gets the attention of kids and teenagers. These are the kids, who are growing up and drinking milk. This is the healthiest way to grow strong bones. Without these ads, I think kids and teenagers would not drink milk, because it is so plain.

Media and Culture

Friday, July 16, 2010

Blog #8 Censorhsip

One of the most obscene movies, Borat, has been censored by many countries in the arab world. When I watched it, I thought it was funny, but had too much gross and nasty visuals of Borat doing crazy things. In the movie theater it has a rated R rating, but when it came out on DVD, it was unrated showing more Adult content. In Media and Culture, it says, "the NC-17 rating has not proved commercially viable, and distributors avoid releasing films with the rating, preferring to label such films 'unrated' or to cut the film to earn an R rating..." (Pg. 514). With many controversies, many people wanted to ban the film. With Freedom of Speech, this movie has the right to put content on whatever they want to do, but with the rating system, the movie has to cut down from a lot of antics. I feel that Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) are thinking about the people and do not want to show stupid things that people might want to copy. Sacha Baron Cohen plays Borat and travels to the United States to get people's reaction about him being foreign and not knowing any better. To no degree, Borat makes fun of the United States. Since the film is a mocking of a documentary, there are unscripted interviews by Borat with these Americans making it seem a more realistic view. With Borat's antics, many countries from the world did not like at all. I think it's because he's foreign and loves the United States of America, which implies to other ethnicities to come and live in the USA. Since the character lives in Kazakhstan, people might assume that people who live in Kazakhstan live like how they are portrayed in the movie. The movie talks about religious ideals that would have people questioning themselves. One of the main reasons Arabs do not want to watch the movie is because Borat hates Jews. In one of the scenes, he has to live in a bed and breakfast ran by this old Jew couple. He is so afraid that he throws money so that he won't be killed. I thought it was funny, but I felt that if I were a Jew watching it, I would be mad, because that is racist. He goes through great lengths by trying to purchase a gun, but since he is foreign, he buys a bear to protect from the Jews. In class, we talked about movies that are banned and this being one of them. I felt that it should be banned in other countries, because those countries do not like American's type of humor. Thus some countries would try to watch this movie. For Americans, even though critics gave it poor reviews, many people would still watch it, because people like those types of movies. I feel that people assume it is a stupid movie, but they haven't watched it. Also, I believe in word of mouth contributes to people either watching or not watching it.

Media and Culture

Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog #7 Focusing on the Present

For any basketball fans out there, the one story that everyone watched, but did not want to, was Lebron James' decision on what team he was going to play for on ESPN. After the Cleveland Cavaliers lost in the 2009-2010 playoffs, almost everyone knew that Lebron James was going to be a free agent, which means he can go to any team he wants. There was so much buzz about Lebron James leaving Cleveland to play somewhere else. The people in Cleveland were so scared that they made a video and song just like the song for "We are the World" in hopes that Lebron stays. With this story, I believe many journalists were ready to talk about teams that Lebron James should go to. This was newsworthiness, because Lebron James is a 2-time MVP and one of the most popular players to this day. It was on July 1st that the hype of Lebron James made an impact on people everywhere. What team is he going to go to? Is he going to stay? Which team wants him the most? So many questions that Lebron James would make his decision on a Live one-hour special on ESPN. Many announcers and reporters of different shows talked about Lebron James and his decision. There was no balance on what people thought about Lebron James, because they are all one-sided on what teams he should play for. There were six teams that wanted him the most. New York Knicks, Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls, New Jersey Nets, Los Angeles Clippers, and his own team, Cleveland Cavaliers were the top choices that many people assumed that he would play for. When I saw that many people on the news were talking about this, I had to watch what was going on about him and other players, because I'm into basketball. I was thinking why was there so much hype for this one player? So he's good at basketball, but that doesn't mean he should have his own special airtime to make one simple decision. I find out that the people who talked to him about joining their team such as the New Jersey Nets would bring A-List people like Jay-Z in order to lure him into signing with their team. It was all over the media that many news coverage were talking about Lebron James and who he met with. The experts that talked about him were retired players that put their input on what team he should play for. On television, Charles Barkley, who was a popular NBA star, told the viewers his input on what team Lebron should be on. I believe this was a good strategy, but many of the retired players all said the same thing. They all said they have sources that told them that Lebron was going for this team or that. There were no actual facts just their opinions. It seems that the news coverage were talking about Lebron James going to the Miami Heat, because Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, both who are also top free agents, signed with the Miami Heat. With this speculation, many assume he would go there. On the night of his special, which was called "The Decision", the host took 20 minutes to find the answer. His answer was the Miami Heat and many people who were sources sprang out to get the attention that they were the first ones to answer. With just one answer, Lebron James' decision "generated a 7.3 rating" which is really good ( It seems that problems today are yesterdays news and people want to watch and know about is one person.

The Decision:
7.3 Rating:’-announcement-generates-7-3-overnight-rating/56618

Monday, July 5, 2010

Let's see: The Exclusives I want to buy at Comic-Con

1. Batman Arkham Asylum: Battle Damaged Batman (Graphitti Designs, $20, Production Run 4,000)
2. White Lantern: Sinestro (Graphitti Designs, $20, Production Run 4,000)
3. Black Lantern: Hal Jordan (Graphitti Designs, $20, Production Run 4,000)
4. DC Universe 75th Anniversary Pack: Starro with Pack of Spores (Mattel, $50, Production Run N/A)
5. Masters of the Universe Classics: Color Changing Orko, with Prince Adam (Mattel, $25, Production Run N/A)
6. DC Universe Classics: Plastic Man with Suitcase (Mattel, $20, Production Run N/A)
7. Toy Story 3: Lotso (Mattel, $20, Production Run N/A)

For #1, I've played the Batman Arkham Asylum game for the PS3 and I loved it, so I have to get the action figure that looks like it. For #2 and #3, I've been reading about The Blackest Night storyline and I am intrigued about it, so having these collectibles would be pretty cool. For #4, since I am into DC Universe, It would be awesome to have this and plus the starro spores can be attached to my DC Universe Classics that I have. For #5, I have been looking at other sites saying that Masters of the Universe Classics are hard to collect, so if I get this, I would have something rare. For #6, this one is the top on my list for getting, because I collect DC Universe Classics and this guy has the coolest attachments such as a spring and a suitcase. The last but not least is Lotso, because I loved the movie and my girlfriend loves him too:D HE SMELLS LIKE STRAWBERRIES!!! I can't wait to go to Comic Con and I am going on friday July 23:D

Comic Con Exclusives List:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blog #4 Internet: Multitasking

Today in lecture, we watched a documentary that included multitasking as a form of everyday life. It's true that multitasking is something that everyone does such as being on their cellphones or computers and being in the internet while being in class. Yet on the documentary, it is a bad thing. Many students think they are doing fine in class, but it's nothing more than good. With multitasking, it's not excellent work, because the wonderful world of the internet has so much more to offer that students get easily distracted. The distraction of popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter puts anyone into becoming an informative person about other people. They would rather know what people are doing instead of doing homework such as reading. In my opinion, I feel that multitasking is a good thing, but also a bad thing. The good thing about multitasking is that if I have something to look for I can find it while chatting online. The bad thing is if I have to write a paper I would do it at the last minute, because there are other things I would rather do. I feel that I am not motivated to do something, because I have higher needs and wants that pushes my responsibilities out of the way. When I go on the internet, the first thing I do is to go on Facebook to see who commented me or what other people are doing. Yet, if I have to read a book, I would rather go on the internet, because I feel comfortable to read what other people are doing or thinking. It is so hard to multitask when I have to read a book, write a paper, and be talking online or watching tv. If I turn off the tv and do not go online, I still have this urge to watch and talk, because it seriously feels like a drug that I cannot just give up on. I feel that since I multitask my grades suffer, which is really not good if I want to have a good job. The reason I believe that the internet was made is for everyone in the world to be informed about everything. I do feel that the internet was good thing, because everyone is connected, but the problem is people do not choose it wisely. With google, you have a search engine that can find the meaning of the word that you are looking for in mere seconds, but in a dictionary, you have to look through the book and try to find the word. People want faster answers instead of just waiting for them. I feel that people would go crazy if they do not know what is going on with the world. For instance, when I go home I rarely go on the computer, because I'm with my family and friends. When I get back to school and I am in my apartment, I have to go on the internet to see what I missed or what is new that people are talking about right now. I see my friends who are on Facebook and on their cell phones saying that they want to see The Last Airbender. No matter where I am or what I am doing, I feel that I need and want to know about everything.

My Facebook:
My Twitter:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blog #3 Cable Success: MTV

MTV (Music Television Network) is one of the most successful cable networks in television. One of the reasons for its success is music videos. In the 1980's, music videos were becoming popular towards the viewers who regularly watch. With MTV, I think that without music videos many fans would not have ever seen how they looked like unless they go to concerts to watch them. In Media and Culture, it says that African Americans did not have any music videos being played. Since the people who can afford cable were mostly white, I think that the network were pushing for white videos only, because they did not want to get into trouble with whites. With the success of Michael Jackson' Thriller album, African Americans were able to make videos seen in every household, which many whites were able to see how African Americans lived. I feel that if it wasn't for Michael Jackson's success, we would still have barriers in what we see on television. With Hip-Hop and R&B, I think no one would know about it and the only way to hear it is through word of mouth. Today, the music of Hip-Hop and R&B is popular and everyone knows about it. The other reason for its success is in the 1990's where the network pushed for original programming such as The Real World. Today, they show the Hills and MADE, which are reality shows about people's lives. This brings the viewers with more of an intimate setting to watch these kinds of shows. In class, we talked about that television brings more intimate setting with the people watching, because that person or thing we are watching is right there in front of us. These reality shows give the viewers a real soap opera. I feel that reality shows are pushing away music videos on MTV. Now, MTV is filled with these reality shows, which I do not like. The only way to watch music videos are during six in the morning or different MTV stations such as MTV Hits (Popular Music Videos) and MTV Jams (Hip-Hop and R&B Music Videos). Before, there was TRL (Total Request Live) on MTV. This is where the viewers watch celebrities and the top 10 music videos in America in one hour. After school, I would watch TRL, because it would show at 4 and thats the time many teenagers get out of school. Since the cancellation of TRL, I feel that there is no hope for music videos on MTV. Yet on the internet, MTV still show recent and upcoming music videos of many artist that people still get their music out there. I'm still wondering why they don't leave music videos on MTV. I believe the reason why is the network wants to have a regular audience with these reality shows on a specific time. Thus MTV is trying to get ratings by broadening the viewer's sights. I feel that MTV is going to be a popular network, because the viewer's today are into whatever they show.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Blog #2 Situation Comedy

Most television shows are situation comedies, or sitcoms. Situation comedy "features a recurring cast, and each episode establishes a situation, complicates it, develops increasing confusion among its characters, and then resolves the complications" (Media and Culture pg. 157-158). When I read this, I thought of one television show that was popular in the 2000s', which was That 70's Show. In an episode called Parents Find Out, the main character, Eric Foreman, gets caught having sex with his girlfriend, Donna Pinciotti, which causes his mom to have a nervous breakdown. By presenting situations that are relevant to both a teenagers and a parents’ life, it tries to attract and target these types of viewers. This show shows the errors of parenting and also some good parenting techniques, which allows the real life parents to set guidelines of what to do and what not to do while raising an adolescence. The topic of sex is one that is hard to bring up between a parent and a child because of its sensitivity, tension, and awkwardness it creates; the show presents sex in a comedic manner which opens a doorway for parents to discuss the topic of sex with their child. On, Steve says, “This is a great episode I feel every parent should take the time to watch. After all, your kids are getting older and this is something you may find yourself having to deal with some day.” By presenting sex in one of the sitcom’s episodes, it shows that sex is normal and that children do grown up and will want to experiment with things, such as sex. Not only does it allow for parents to talk about activities, which the child engages in, but it also allows the child to get their questions and concerns to be answered by their parents, such as birth control and safe sex.

With the mother in the show, she has stress over the fact that her son is having sex. The mother puts her maternal role in play by calling her son “baby” and calls Donna a “slut,” because no mother wants to admit that her child has grown up and is engaging in “adult” activities. In Media and Culture, “stress, more often the result of external confusion rather than emotional anxiety, ‘is always funny’” (Media and Culture pg. 158). In reality, stress is not that “funny.” Stress is a very serious issue that may cause people to develop depression. Though the show makes Eric’s mother’s stress a laughing matter, if a mother were to experience this situation, most people would not be laughing because they themselves would not want to be placed in that situation.

Thus, "character development is downplayed in favor of zany plots" (Media and Culture pg. 158). Among the cast, there is Kelso (the dumb good-looking character), Jackie (the snobby rich character), Hyde (the cool rocker character), and Fez (the uneducated foreign character) who gets the main character, Eric into comedic troubles or hi-jinks. These characters are unique in their own way, but have one thing in common. They are all best friends. This gives a more intimate view with the viewers, because many viewers can relate to each character.

Media and Culture

Steve :

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog #1 Selective Exposure

In class, we talked a lot about selective exposure. Selective exposure means people typically seek messages and produce meanings that correspond to their own cultural beliefs, values, and interests. In the book, it talks about Michael Jackson's death. People had different views about him. They either liked him or disliked him. People liked him, because he "[broke] down racial barriers and [raised] music videos to an art form" (Media and Culture, pg. 12). The others "recalled the child molestation accusations brought against him or his unusual physical transformation and behavior over the years" (Media and Culture, pg. 12). In my opinion, his music was loved. My favorite song and video is Thriller, because it is an original and different from videos today that don't have choreographed dances. It played a story with Michael Jackson as the main character, who turns into a monster himself. With selective exposure, the people watch, listen, or read about Michael Jackson to what they like about him. Some even watch, listen, or read about things they do not like about him. The people select to their interest about everything they like such as movies, music, and television. Media is their gateway to all these things. This is a cultural approach to mass communication, because "people made meaning of his life based chiefly on their own values, history, age, race, education, and musical tastes" (Media and Culture, pg. 12). I feel that many people go online to look up stuff, but only things they like. For me right now, it would have to be Toy Story 3. On a popular site called Yahoo, the popular new story today is about Toy Story 3's hidden "Easter eggs" (the cinematic term for meaningful images or references buried in a movie). When I saw this, I had to go look at this, because I loved the movie and I like to see what I missed when I watched the movie. I was interested in Toy Story 3, because it had interest of mine such as toys and animation. Also, the movies before such as Toy Story and Toy Story 2 made the third movie a movie I had to see. When I watched it, I had different feelings that a Disney movie would not have. I was happy, sad, scared, and overwhelmed by the movie that I wanted to see it again. Let's just say, after I watched that movie, I wanted to play with my old toys such as Beast Wars Transformers and the Power Rangers megazord. All these were childhood toys that I haven't played in a very long time. It brings you back as a kid and seeing your self now as an adult. When I was growing up, the selective exposure that I was raised up was because of television. The media put what I wanted to see in my hands and it brought out me buying toys, watching movies, and reading comics. To this day, I collect DC Universe action figures, watch movies anywhere I can such as the internet, and I still read comic books.

Toy Story 3:
Michael Jackson's Death: